plan for your pet’s care
Planning for the care of your furry family after you are gone should be your priority. Ensuring their safety and lifetime care of your beloved furry friend begins with an open discussion with a trusted loved one whom you wish to take over care. From there, make plans in your will that specify that individual and anyone else, should the person pass before you. Talk to a lawyer who can help you draft and complete your will or change your existing will.
Leave a Legacy Donation
Community Cats Toronto is a registered charity and can be included in your estate planning.
Your lawyer or other professional adviser can help you with the wording of your legacy gift. Below are some examples:
A Specific Gift Amount
This is the wording to use when you are leaving a bequest of a specific cash amount. It is simple and straightforward:
Sample wording: “I give $________ to Community Cats Toronto.”
A Residuary Gift
The “residue” of your Estate is that which remains after the taxes, administrative and legal expenses are paid, and your heirs have received their specific gifts. The residue can be given in whole, or divided among beneficiaries.
Sample wording: “I bequeath the residue of my Estate (or xx% of the residue of my estate) to Community Cats Toronto.”
A Contingent Gift
This is a provision which allows you to determine the recipient of your estate in the event that none of your named beneficiaries are alive at the time of your death.
Sample wording: “If none of the individuals I intend to benefit by this Will are alive or otherwise capable of benefitting, I leave the residue of my Estate to Community Cats Toronto.”
already have a will?
Your will should be reviewed every few years. Changes may include marital status, birth of a child or grandchild, adoption of a new pet, or the passing of someone previously named in your will as a beneficiary. You want to update your will to reflect changes and ensure your wishes will be carried out. A codicil allows you to update your will and it is not difficult or costly.