Community Cats Toronto is dedicated to helping anyone make a difference in the lives of community cats (feral, lost, abandoned, and free-roaming) through education, advocacy, and collaboration.
Learn More
If you find a cat you believe is unowned, take our Trap Neuter Return certification course to start the process of care that will improve the cat’s life.
Take Action
If you currently manage a feral cat colony,
register it in our colony database. It’s free and helps us track the success of the program.
Thank you to our Supporters and Coalition Partners
Founded in 2010, Community Cats Toronto is a 100% volunteer-run organization that is entirely supported by donations from the general public and private foundations. Without the support of our donors and sponsors, we would not be able to sustain the programs and services we currently offer. The following partners have made a significant contribution to making TNR education accessible to communities in need throughout the GTA. We gratefully acknowledge their support!